virtual host configuration in Linux:

1. Buy a domain from godaddy etc.
2. Must have server to host this domain with static IP.
3. After buying this domain update dns records/name server in go daddy(name server of your service provider where you buy a server)
4.Now create zone for your domain to update records A etc in name server of your service provider where you buy a server and this name server is managed by sp so you need to ask them to update.
Note: There can be two different name servers for zones (DNS-forward, RDNS-reverse)
5.Now as usual install package httpd,apache,ngnix,tomcat (different webservers) in the server.
6.for ex , for http go to virtual host conf file and add this domain(check online for more info)

SSL configuration in Linux:

1.Generate csr and private key to ssl provider
2.They give crt file,bundle file once you purchase
3.Before step 4 you should have crt file  which is saved domain.crt(,bundle file and key
4.Now in the server install ssl module which runs on port 443
5.Copy these files in it's location(check in online)
5.Now as usual, in the config file of, mention require feilds (check in online).


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