id            -              gives the info about the user u logged in.
uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root)
Root user always having user id 0
1-200 user id – system users for specific redhat process’s /for redhat file owned process’s.
201-999 - system users for specific redhat process’s but they won’t files on the system.
Ex: apache (/usr/sbin/nologin)
From 1000 : id’s will be assigned when we create new user accounts.
You can see users in /etc/passwd
ntp:x:38:38::/etc/ntp:/sbin/nologin  ##user can’t ssh because /sbin/nologin
<user_name>:<pwd linked to some where /etc/shadow>:uid:gid:<arbitrary field,user defined>:<home_dire>:<shell to use>
Each user exactly have 1 primary group. Whenever user created in the system primary group is same as user name by default.
Whenever user creates a new file/directory, group owner of that file/dir is that the primary group of that user.
User belongs to supplementary groups.
To see groups
                groups  <root> <username>
                cat /etc/group
                [root@cloudpro2 home]# groups test
test : test
[root@cloudpro2 home]# groups root
root : root
Password file located in /etc/shadow. it includes password hash(encrypted password) for each user.
Create a new user
                useradd <flags> <username>
to check different flags usage
                useradd –help
                man useradd
                info useradd
for ex: useradd –M neelu
it doesn’t create user home directory still user can ssh because he has permissions for /bin/bash
FILES (default ones)
           User account information.

           Secure user account information.

           Group account information.

           Secure group account information.

           Default values for account creation.

           Directory containing default files (for all users those are newly created).

           Shadow password suite configuration.

In users home directory there are specific bash configurations.
.  ..  .bash_history  .bash_logout  .bash_profile  .bashrc  instruct( file in /etc/skel –common for every newly user created)
To create/update password for user
                passwd  <user_name>
password hashes are changed when you are changing passwords for users and  When you lock user then !<password hash> will be created in /etc/shadow file.
To modify user / certain things like chage primary group(g), add/append user to supplementary groups(G,a (a has to be used with G)), lock/unlock user(L,U), add commants/arbitrary fields(c), change home directory(d) etc..
                usermod <flags mentioned above>  <specify value/path/string etc>  <user>
usermod -aG sg0 neelu
some useful commands
                userdel                 it does not remove home directory
                userdel –r <username>                                removes home directory
for help
                userdel –help
                groupdel –help
                info groupdel     which also displays the associated files


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